Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sweep, Mop, Swiffer, Wax

So, like I am trying to torture myself, when I clean my floors I sweep, mop, swiffer and then wax. The floors are so clean you can eat off them...for thirty seconds. After that thirty seconds of total satisfaction (much like something else) the floors are of course covered with dog hair, cat hair, dirt, and animal crackers. But, for a moment I have the satisfaction of knowing that the floors are clean. This blog, however is not about the floors, dirty or clean, but the thoughts that run through the Stay at Home Mom's head as she is cleaning those floors. Its those thoughts that carry the process from dirty to clean and back again.

Of course, before I could clean the floors, I had to do the dishes. Inside of an Ikea tupperware is gross, old, beef fried rice (no, not fancy, made from Hamburger Helper). I tear off the lid, dump as fast as I can and begin thinking. There are many types of this helper type food (stab with spoon) : chicken, beef, tuna...(stab stab) it was then that I realized there was no Pork Helper. It was also in that second I realized why there is no Pork Helper (giggle, stab). I also realized someone must have come up with Pork Helper, realized why it wouldn't work, and then red-faced, tried to keep the laughter down their throat in the meeting with the "suits". Of course no one will publicly point out why there is no Pork Helper. I am convinced there must be an unspoken acceptance that the other white meat (red face, giggle in throat) does not need help.

Beef fried rice down the drain, and mangled by the garbage disposal, I could now clean the floors.